Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Little Dose of Reality

The following post is from our friends' family blog. I felt this post was rather appropriate as I was thinking my next post should be about Lord's Day preparations (how to make it easier for everyone). I am sure most of you can relate to this experience in some way....

Told by the fly on the wall:
There is a very common misconception among some people we know about our Sunday morning routine. Our church family sees us arrive in our Sunday bests. The girls in their dresses, sweaters/coats, their hair brushed and fixed in a cute manner, their shoes actually clean. The men of our gang in their khaki dress pants, blue suit coats, brown or black shoes, nicely brushed hair, dress shirts and to top it all off, ties. We file in, greet our friends then head to our rows, yes more than one since they don’t make rows with 12 seats in them anymore. But, I wonder if they ever think about what it takes to get this country family to such a state of tidiness? Probably not. Have you? Really? Okay, then I’ll try to give you a little glimpse into our Sunday mornings.For me the morning usually starts with Lydia jumping from her bed to mine. After a few minutes of snuggling she gets down and decides to "vake" the rest of the family up. “Baba veeak!” she yells until most of us are awake and are stumbling into the family room. We let the boys sleep a little longer. There is a little time for snuggling with daddy on the couch where we really wake up. Then the day really begins. This is a typical conversation in the morning:“Can I have cereal instead of oatmeal?”“No, remember you ate the cereal yesterday.”“I can’t find the sugar!”“Did you empty the dishwasher?”“Oh, Dad, did you know my finger is finally healing!”“What happened to your finger?”:screams::giggles::shrikes:“Dad can you catch Lydia! Quick!”:roar:“Are you a lion?”“No.”“A bear?”:roar:“Oh a bear!”“I can’t find a spoon!”“Did you empty the silverware yet?”“Did the trashes get emptied?”“No? Then get it done.”“Did you remember to iron Ben’s pants?”“Oh! I couldn’t find them!”“Ben get me your pants!’“Oh, not those! Those are the ones with holes!”“Where’s my glass?”“Look on the dish rack or cupboard.”“I need in the bathroom!”“Just a minute.”“Please hurry, I need the curling iron.”“Sarah can you get the rugs by the front door vacuumed?”“Oh, do the family room while you have it out.”:roar of the vacuum:“Dink?”“My dress fell and is wrinkled again!”“DINK!”“Which cup is Lydia’s?”“Still need in the bathroom!”“Someone needs to clear the table and wash it.”“Gracie, can you get those dishes done?”:roar of the vacuum:“What?”“The dishes need done, quickly!”“Oh, is your bed made?”“Get you shoes and socks set out.”“The boys are still asleep.”“Oh! They need up! Tell them to hurry!”“Are your teeth brushed?”“I can’t find my other shoe!”“After everyone is finished eating set the table for lunch.”“For grandpa and grandma too?”“Yes.”“Where’s Lydia!”“Can’t find my shoe still!”“Need the bathroom to finish my hair!!!!”“I’m in line for it next!”“Someone find Lydia!”“BOYS, GET UP!”“Can someone help me get the plates down?”“Hewp?”“Sure Lydia you can carry the napkins! Follow me.”“Oh, dad did you know I finished the Christmas present I made!”“Daddy, daddy! I know what I want for my birthday dinner!”“Your birthday isn’t for another 9 months!”“I know but I am trying to think about it now.”“I see….”“You need to brush your teeth.”“YOU ALL NEED TO GET DRESSED!”:buzz of activity:“Where did you put my shirt?”“Where I always put your shirt.”“Oh! There!”“Where’s Lydia?”“Make sure you get your belt.”“My dress is still wrinkled!”“Iron it then.”“Oh...”“Has anyone seen my shoe?”“I need in the bathroom!”“You still haven’t found it?”“Is the kitchen clean?”“Almost!”“Brush your teeth!”“Get the camera!”“Oh! She’s so cute!”:laughs:“Everyone one needs to get dressed!”“Please get those books off the floor!”“I found my shoe!”“You’re dressed but where is your belt?”“You need socks that match.”“Should I wear these shoes or these?”“You need a pink hair ribbon for that dress, not the one you have on.”“Mom can you do my hair?”“Are you finished getting dressed?”“Ummmm….no.”“I want you dressed before I do your hair.”“Sarah!”“Where’s Sarah?”“Getting dressed.”“Since you’re dressed, can you read to Lydia?”“Wait! Come back so I can do your hair.”“Get the bibles in the car.”“Which cars are we taking?”“The big van?”“Dad, are we taking the big van?”“Make sure the car seat is in it.”“Where’s Lydia?”“David please read to her!”“I haven’t eaten anything yet.”“Grab a banana.”“Are we taking two cars or just the big van?”“Sarah you don’t have your shoes on!”“Oh!”“Make sure to get your sweater too.”“The chicken needs in the oven!”“Is Lydia’s hair done?”“She needs her coat on!”“Where’s her coat?”“In her drawer.”“Where is she?”“Are you ready to go?”“What cars are we taking?”“Yep!”“You don’t have your shoes on!”“There are still dishes on the counter!”“Who left their hangers in the family room?”“GET IN THE VAN!”“Where’s my purse?”“Did you get the diaper bag?”“I can’t find my shoes!”“WHAT???”“I need in the bathroom!”“Oh no! Your hair isn’t done!”“Are you teeth brushed?”“You forgot my bible!”“Ooops!”“Mom leave the dishes and come on!”“Almost done.”“Can I sit by you?”“I’m not sure where I’m sitting yet.”“No, it’s my turn to sit by you.”“Guys, it’s just a 5 minute drive!”“Get in the van!”“Can you scoot over more?”“You said I could sit next to you!”“I didn’t say anyone could sit by me.”“But I want to.”“Just a minute.”“Everyone buckled?”“Where’s Sarah?”“Must still be in the house.”“Someone needs to find her.”“SARAH!”“What?”“Sarah what are you doing?”“Looking for my purse.”“We’re all waiting in the car for you!”“Oh! Just a minute.”“You guys need to make room for Sarah back there.”“You’re squishing me!”“I’m not touching you!”A few minutes later we file out of the van into the church parking lot looking ship shape and tidy as if we woke up that way. :shrug: If they only knew….

Mrs. Honeybee: The thing I would mention is that as soon as you get the baby buckled they spit up or dirty their diaper. So you have to start over clear down to the Onesie! This can happen up to 3 times in a row! Also, you can plan a nursing schedule, but life happens. If you travel a long distance to church, you may have to pull over for nursing! (because your schedule got thrown off from the 3 changings, and it made you late, thus, your nursing schedule was thrown off as well! Then we need to leave room for little boys!! We get them all ready, clean ironed clothes, clean face, hair slicked back....if you turn your back for a moment, their shirt is hanging out, they've climbed under the tablecloth and messed their hair, they've decided to make themselves a second breakfast and it's all down the front of them. ---Or, like my boys, as soon as they head for the car, they slip on the slimy deck and totally ruin their whole outfit....O.K. , so we go in, get them all slicked up again (patiently of course), and they come out to the car, and crawl all over their sisters to get to their spot....well, those sisters all start screaming, or crying and they have to start over again, or they just learn how to deal with it, let the mud dry, dust off, and praise the Lord anyway! :-)
Next Post: "Lord's Day Preparations"
With Love, and Total Understanding, Mrs. Honeybee

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