Friday, August 24, 2007


How do you communicate with your children? How do they see you? I have had my child ask me on several occasions, "Mommy, why do you look so mad?"

"Mommy, why do you have a mean look on your face?"

"Mommy, do you love me?"

Oh, what a knife to my heart, sunk in deeply and twisted and wrenched. This is not what I want to portray to my family at all, in fact it is exactly opposite!!

The Apostle Paul could empathize when he wrote in Romans 7:15-

"For that which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate."

It has taken much prayer and practice. I still fail! I ask God to work His spirit of love in me. Sometimes it's minute by minute. But when we truly want Him to work, and then surrender our hearts, He will do it!

Imagine how you look to your child. Is it pleasant? Look in the mirror. Practice a pleasant face. Practice a loving voice. If you weren't raised this way, Jesus can still help your willing heart!

Another very important aspect of communication with our children is touch. Try to touch them as often as possible throughout the day. As each of us respond through different senses, so do our children. Our hands can communicate what maybe our lips or faces sometimes do not. When you are sitting together put your arm around him and rub his shoulder. When you are walking, talking, or sitting together, hold his hand. I can get a seemingly impossible child to respond to me through touch. It may be hard for you, or not natural, but do it anyway.

"Love does not seek its own way." 1Cor. 13:5 Step out of your comfort zone today. God will bless you for the action of LOVE!

I guarantee your child will respond. Some children take longer than others. Do not give up!

Jesus will reward you for your efforts to step out of yourself!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It has taken much prayer and practice. I still fail! I ask God to work His spirit of love in me. Sometimes it's minute by minute. But when we truly want Him to work, and then surrender our hearts, He will do it!

Imagine how you look to your child. Is it pleasant? Look in the mirror. Practice a pleasant face. Practice a loving voice. If you weren't raised this way, Jesus can still help your willing heart!"
I am blessed by the wisdom of your own personal insight, which has obviously been given you by the Holy Spirit. I came upon your blog- oh somehow - and want to invite you to read the articles on child training, and virtue on my blog. I hope they encourage you. God be with you as you seek to live a surrendered life.
"Auntie Em" of The Salt Box.